Project Description

Created by: Larry Joe Campbell (from ABC’s “According to Jim” ), Jeff Boucher, Matt Talbott and Matt Troyer

We journeyed to Vietnam to shoot the pilot episode for the reality show “Passport to Rescue”: a no holds barred look at how paramedics operate around the world. “Passport to Rescue” gives the audience an unprecedented view of the emergency response process in other countries. It also provides a unique look at the culture and the cuisine of these countries. While in Ho Chi Minh City, we were lucky enough to sample such delicacies as Field Rat (not to be confused with City Rat), Coconut Worms and Deep Fried Scorpion. (In case you’re wondering it tastes like burnt French fries…)

Let us know if you’d like to see more – or if you just want to know the best way to eat Cobra!